The Art of the Fantasia - 19 Lute Fantasias

One of three collections of Duarte's unpublished lute transcriptions.


I - Dalza, J.A.: Tastar de corde; II - Dalza, J.A.: Recercar dietro; III - López: Fantasia; IV - Mudarra, A.: Three fantasias; V - Milano, Francesco Canova da: Fantasia (Ness 27); VI - Le Roy, Adrian: Two fantasias; VII - Morlaye, Guillaume: Two fantaisies (Guiterne); VIII - Rippe, Albert de: Fantasia II; IX - Fuenllana, Miguel: Two fantasias; X - Ferrabosco, Alfonso the Elder: Fantazia; XI - Dlugoraj, Albert: Fantasia; XII - Milano, Francesco da, arranged by Kargel, Sixtus: Fantasia (Ness 66) XIII - Kargel, Sixtus: Fantasia; XIV - Kapsberger, Girolamo: Toccata 3a.