For my Friends
A collection of short pieces dedicated to friends.
I - Greek folk song (Karagouna), for Sophocles; II - Three old Venetian dances (Pavana in passo e mezzo; La Cara cossa del Berdolin; Cornetto), for Mike Heseltine; III - Grieg, E.: Norse song Op.68. No.41, for Lisbet Bolin; IV - Anon.: French Carol (Il est né, le divin enfant), for Chantal Dubourg; V - Duarte, John W.: Alla gavotta Op.21; VI - Anon.: Spiritual (I know the Lord's laid his hands on me), for Greg; VII - English folk dance (Gathering peascods), for Harry Fowle; VIII - Anon.: Irish folk song (The Next market day), for Emilita; IX - Duarte, John W.: Prelude in A Minor Op.29 No.1, for Bobri.